Josh was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in 2014. A seizure at the end of 2019 has pushed us towards a round of chemo and radiation beginning this March. This is where we’ll be sharing about our journey.
Thank you for your continued prayers & support!
Many of you know Josh was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in 2014 and after a surgery where the bulk of the tumor was removed, he had some unexpected complications that lasted 4 months or so.
Aside from a few seizures, we’re very grateful that he’s had a stable few years where he has felt pretty good. The definition of his type of tumor is “slow growing but incurable”, so we’ve always been told that down the road he would need additional treatment. A recent seizure has pushed us to take action.
Starting March 2nd, 2020, we’ll be diving into a round of chemo and radiation, in hopes of keeping what’s grown back at bay for a time. We still have lots of questions ourselves, unsure of how he’ll respond to treatment, what post-treatment life will look like as there are so many variables and ranges of “minimal to permanent side affects from the chemo/radiation”. So for now, we’re taking it one day at a time, some days even just one hour at a time… mostly because the 5 littles keep us on our toes. All the while continuing to pray for a miracle!
So we would ask for continued prayers for the weeks, months and year ahead, for direction, and peace, as we we walk through the next part of this journey. Our hearts are always overflowing with gratefulness for all the friends and family who love us, pray for us, and support us and the kiddos. And while the outlook on life at the moment can seem grim....we are confident God will continue to sustain us. A quote from an article we read recently says it so well...
“When faith looks to the past and to the future, it says with David, “You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us” (Psalm 40:5). The past, no matter how many ghosts walk there, is full of his wondrous deeds. The future, no matter how many sorrows await us there, is full of his merciful plans.”
So...while we do have our anxieties and fears about the days ahead, they’re intermingled with joyful anticipation of God's very good and perfect plan for our life!
We love you all and thank you for your prayers!